Monday, September 24, 2007

Into Everything!!

I was doing a lot of cleaning on Friday and got a little worried when I couldn't hear Kaitlyn at all. I wondered what she was getting into. So I grabbed the camera and went looking. I found her in the porch pretending to drink a can of pop like she sees us do. It was really cute.

After she had fun with the pop can she moved onto the box of Cheerios. When she found the box I removed the bag of cereal from it so that she wouldn't dump it all over the floor but there were still some Cheerios at the bottom of the box. She found them and ate them.

I finally got her out of the porch and she started to play with this cardboard roll. I'm not sure what it is from but it sure was a big one. this kept her busy for a little while so that I could get more cleaning done.

It wasn't long again before she found her way back to the porch. This time I heard her because she was playing with the bag of cucumbers. I have them to make dill pickles. She was taking them all out of the bag and throwing them on the floor. I could have watched her all day but I really needed to clean the house for the party the next night.

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