Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter in Calgary

For Easter this year we drove to Calgary to stay with my sister and her family. My mom had been there since Feb 9th and she told me that my dad and my brother were flying out for the weekend. It was so great to be with my whole family for the Holiday.

Poppy Rose showing Kaitlyn the toy that they were giving her for Easter.

Posing for a picture with Uncle Pete and her cousin Gregory. Have you ever seen someone more tired.

Uncle Pete had just given her a Rosie doll for Easter. When you hold both the hands it sings Ring Around the Rosie.

Playing with her cousin Gregory

She was just relaxing when Meadow the kitty came to visit.

Todd playing with Gregory and his legos.

She was enjoying some popsicle while I was holding her new baby cousin Ashlynn.

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