Friday, November 2, 2007

Kaitlyn's First Halloween

This was Kaitlyn's frist Halloween so we decided to get a pumpkin to carve. where we live out in the country we don't have anyone come to our house for candy but we wanted her to experience everything about Halloween. She had a lot of fun helping to carve the pumpkin. Her job was to pull everything out from inside of it. She did really good.

This is a picture of our pumpkin all lite up after we finished carving it.

On Halloween I took her into town in her costume and we visited Daddy's office and Mommy's office. We then went to a few of our friends houses to Trick or Treat. It didn't take her long to figure out what her pumpkin bucket was for. We would say Trick or Treat and she would shake her bucket. She got lots of yummy candy. By the time we got home it was past her bedtime and she was exhausted. I think she had a lot of fun.

With Jenn and baby Olivia.

With Ron who was feeling a little devilish!

With Mike and Kelsey.

With Neil.

Taking some candy out of her bucket with Kelsey and Linda.

What was left of her candy once Mommy and Daddy took out the stuff with peanuts in it. She is going to be able to try a little of all of it.

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