Monday, August 20, 2007

Trip to Calgary

We decided to take a trip to Calgary, AB for the weekend to see my family. My brother had flown in the week before and is staying with my sister and her family. We had a great weekend and the kids had a lot of fun.

We had just arrived and my sister was introducing the kids again.

Not long after arriving and the kids were playing together.

Kaitlyn testing out her balance and walking without Mom and Dad.

We took a family photo since we were all together with the kids. I think it turned out great.

Kaitlyn and Gregory were having so much fun with his car.

Gregory pushing Kaitlyn around the yard.

Kaitlyn and I enjoying the fresh air.

Tracy and her son Gregory.

Kaitlyn with her Uncle Pete.

Gregory just relaxing.

Having some breakfast with Uncle Chris and Gregory. She sure liked those tater tots. She enjoyed helping Uncle Chris eat and Gregory enjoyed helping Kaitlyn drink some water.

Giving Uncle Pete a hug before we left to head home.

Kaitlyn with auntie Tracy not long before we were leaving to go home. She couldn't wait to get in the car so she could nap.

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